DNZIMN867E Could not exchange SSH key with due to the following error:
2760-287 [dkeyexch] Internal error - exchange script returns unknown error: 1
This means your ssh keys have not been set-up, or you have simply never
logged into the HMC from you NIM server to do the ssh exhange, so check
with -
# ssh hscroot@cld_hmc1 lssyscfg -r sys -F name
If that fails then take a look at this Developer works page -
DNZIMN880E Failed to extract NIM Shared Product Object Tree (SPOT) resource from image appliance-0_image-1
There are two possible reasons for this, one is /export/nim filesystem
needs more space, or its trying to locate a language file. So check in
the Director agents error log here -
# /opt/ibm/director/agent/logs/error-log-0.html
For this message -
0042-001 nim: processing error encountered on "master":
Then along with it you should find something like this -
/usr/lib/nls/msg/de_AT not found
/usr/lib/nls/msg/de_LU not found
Just touch these files on the NIM server and you should be able to rerun your deploy with no further occurrences of this error.
DNZIMN356E Could not connect to the image repository
This means that there is a issue talking to the image repository on the
NIM from the System Director, which while it might still show up on
VMControl all your deploys continue to fail. In some cases this is a
issue with what network interface the system is talking over, so if you
do have multipule interfaces then you can lock it down as follows -
# vi /opt/ibm/director/data/IPPreference.properties
com.ibm.director.server.preferred.ip=<preferred IP>
com.ibm.director.endpoint.excluded.ip.prefix=<excluded IP>,<excluded IP>
This is not true in all cases, it could relate to firewall issues, or in
my case is issue with the levels of the system, so if you run the
following on the NIM server to check the install -
# /opt/ibm/director/agent/bin/./lwiupdatemgr.sh -listFeatures|grep nim
com.ibm.director.im.rf.nim.subagent_2.3.1.2 Enabled
So we can see that the nim subagent is enabled, then look to see if the plugin is now active -
# /opt/ibm/director/agent/bin/./lwiplugin.sh -status | grep com.ibm.director.im
214:ACTIVE:Events Plug-in:
216:ACTIVE:NIM Master Interfaces Plug-in:
217:ACTIVE:NIM Master CAS Agent Plug-in:
Above is a correctly active agent, if you see the following -
214:ACTIVE:Events Plug-in:
216:((LAZY)):NIM Master Interfaces Plug-in:
217:INSTALLED:NIM Master CAS Agent Plug-in:
Then the agent is not installed correctly and it probably means your fix
level is to high, in my case when I performed the following updated -
6100-06_AIX_ML:DirectorCommonAgent: 6100-06 Update
6100-06_AIX_ML:DirectorPlatformAgent: 6100-06 Update
From issue above occurred and the only way I could recover the problem was restoring my server from mksysb.
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