Monday, 5 September 2011

PowerHA (HACMP) Notes

Useful PowerHA (HACMP) Notes -

Here are a few little notes that I have picked up over the years that relate to some of the functions of PowerHA and HACMP.  They have proved useful to me in some situations and hopefully will to you too.


The HA ODMs are the object databases that HA uses to ensure that the cluster is all in sysnc, if any of them differ in some why in some cases 'lazy update' with tidy up the records syncing the nodes.  But in some cases this will cause a command/action to fail so you will need to go any sync the cluster.

DCD  - The default HA ODM - HACMPtopsvcs. Look for 'instanceNum' – should be the same on all cluster nodes else it shows things have not syncd correctly!

ACD - Active – this is stored in /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/objrepos/active to read this ODM change you ODM path to this file, remember to change it back!

SCD - Staging

So to read the DCD ODM -

# odmget HACMPtopsvcs

        hbInterval = 1
        fibrillateCount = 4
        runFixedPri = 1
        fixedPriLevel = 38
        tsLogLength = 5000
        gsLogLength = 5000
        instanceNum = 4

The topsvcs daemon will also show the current instance number on the node.

# lssrc -ls topsvcs|grep Instance
  Configuration Instance = 4

# odmget HACMPnode
    - the line ‘version’ shows the current HA version
    Version 11 = 6.1
    Version 10 = 5.5
    Version 9 = 5.4
    Version 8 = 5.3
    Version 7 = 5.2

Resource Group Dependencies

If you are having trouble with RG dependencise then the following command will list resource group start inter dependencies
"clrgdependency -t'PARENT_CHILD' -sp"

# clrgdepdency -t PARENT_CHILD -sl
Parent Child
rg1 rg2
rg1 rg3
# clrgdepdency -t NODECOLLOCATION -sl
# clrgdepdency -t ANTILOCATION -sl
# clrgdepdency -t SITECOLLOCATION -sl
rg01 rg03 frigg


# lssrc -ls topsvcs
- Shows the status of the system heart-beating. 

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